Teach me how To Govie

A collaborative music video project


Completion Date

Community Partner
Govans Elementary, Baltimore, MD

Sound and Video, Community Art

Elements of Visual Thinking II

Much like our first music video collaboration Homework Boy, our efforts in creating Teach Me How to Govie (TMHTG) were focused mostly on empowering students to be media literate consumers by engaging them in a creative process of media production.

TMHTG was the largest scale collaboration that we've done to date involving upwards of 100 people! Two groups of MICA students enrolled in both my and Professor Chris Metzger's Elements of Visual Thinking II course collaborated with the fabulous choir of Govans Elementary for a larger scale music video collaboration.

We added some new workshops like animation and costume design and worked with the students for several weeks. Everyone really enjoyed getting to know each other better.

young girl wearing gloves uses fabric dye to paint a shirt
young girl poses in front of chalk based mural
postcard design reads teach me how to govie

AYE get it GOVIE!

As usual, Ysem Brown brought some amazing artistry to the lyrics-- this time he re-wrote "Teach Me How to Dougie" as "Teach Me How to Govie." Govie, is the school Mascot for Govans Elementary and we even had our illustration students adding some cool new shades to Govie. ​Our MICA students contributed many hours of work including video recording/editing, motion graphics, sound mixing, costuming and of course, learning the Govie.

Being a Govie is about being a great friend, about working hard and spreading the love. And there was plenty of love to share after this project.

male teacher and young student pose in music room

The great Ysem Brown!

group of students dance in a circle

Faculty Team
Ysem Brown, Jenna Frye, Christopher Metzger

Photo Credits
Christopher Metzger

Grant Funding
MICA Lucas Grant

Faculty Assistants
Erin Zerbe (TA) and Marcus Civin (linked instructor)

Special Thanks
Thanks to students from MICA and Govans Elementary for being amazing collaborative partners in this project.


American Superheroes


Homework Boy